[. . . ] Register your product and get support at www. philips. com/welcome SPA8210 EN User manual (L) (R) a (L) (R) b (L) (R) c (L) (R) d e (L) (R) f (L) (R) g AUX Warning: The product shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and QR REMHFWV ÀOOHG ZLWK OLTXLGV VXFK DV YDVHV VKDOO EH SODFHG RQ WKH product. [. . . ] 4 7XUQ WKH YROXPH NQRE FORFNZLVH WR VZLWFK RQ WKH 0XOWLPHGLD Speakers ( ). 5 $GMXVW WKH YROXPH E\ WKH YROXPH NQRE RU E\ WKH FRPSXWHU application. 6 $IWHU XVH VZLWFK RII WKH VSHDNHUV DQG XQSOXJ Optional function To listen through a headphone: socket on the right speaker( ). Connect it to the To play music from an external audio device such as an MP3 player ( ): 1 Connect an MP3 link cable (not supplied) to the AUX socket on the ULJKW VSHDNHU DQG WKH KHDGSKRQH VRFNHW RQ WKH GHYLFH 2 3OD\ PXVLF RQ WKH GHYLFH Specifications $PSOLÀHU 5DWHG 2XWSXW 3RZHU )UHTXHQF\ 5HVSRQVH Signal to Noise Ratio Total Harmonic Distortion MP3 link PC Input 2 X 20 W RMS +] . +] G% !G% <2% 600 mV 600 mV Speakers Speaker Impedance 8 ohm 6SHDNHU 'ULYHU /5 µ[ 7ZHHWHU µ[ :22; µ[ General information AC power Model: AS360-180-AE200 (Philips); , QSXW 9 a +] $ 2A 2XWSXW 9 20W <0. 5W 100 x 250 x 116. 5 mm 2. 4 kg 2. 0 kg 2SHUDWLRQ 3RZHU Consumption Standby Power Consumption Dimensions - Main Unit (W x H x D) Weight - With Packing - Main Unit Hearing safety Caution 7R DYRLG KHDULQJ GDPDJH OLPLW WKH WLPH \RX XVH WKH KHDGSKRQHV DW KLJK YROXPH DQG VHW WKH YROXPH WR D VDIH OHYHO 7KH ORXGHU WKH YROXPH WKH VKRUWHU LV WKH VDIH OLVWHQLQJ WLPH Be sure to observe the following guidelines when using your headphones. /LVWHQ DW UHDVRQDEOH YROXPHV IRU UHDVRQDEOH SHULRGV RI WLPH %H FDUHIXO QRW WR DGMXVW WKH YROXPH FRQWLQXRXVO\ XSZDUGV DV \RXU hearing adapts. [. . . ] Please act according to your local rules and do not dispose RI \RXU ROG SURGXFWV ZLWK \RXU QRUPDO KRXVHKROG ZDVWH $OO UHJLVWHUHG DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUNV DUH SURSHUW\ RI WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH RZQHUV © 2012 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N. V. [. . . ]